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Welcome To The Trainer Mom

Training Mothers to master the art of penmanship, with scientifically proven techniques, for 8+ years!

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Let’s talk Results!

See the impact we create for countless trainers & students for yourself!

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Why good handwriting matters ?

Studies have shown that several challenges that kids struggle with, from poor memory to learning disabilities, can be dealt with better by practising the written hand!

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Welcome to
The Trainer Mom

Training Mothers to master the art of penmanship, with scientifically proven techniques, for 8+ years!

Training Mothers to master the art of penmanship, with scientifically proven techniques, for 8+ years!


The Trainer Mom

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The Trainer Mom
Let’s talk Results!

See the impact we create for countless trainers & students for yourself!

See the impact we create for countless trainers & students for yourself!

The Trainer Mom

Let’s talk Results!

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The Trainer Mom
Why good handwriting matters ?

Studies have shown that several challenges that kids struggle with, from poor memory to learning disabilities, can be dealt with better by practising the written hand!

Studies have shown that several challenges that kids struggle with, from poor memory to learning disabilities, can be dealt with better by practising the written hand!

The Trainer Mom

Why good handwriting matters ?

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Who We Are ?

What is Trainer Mom ?

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How Much ?

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Is The Programe Meant For Me ?

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How To Train My Child If My Handwriting Is Bad ?

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Why Do I Need To Worry About My Child's Handwriting ?

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How Much Time Do I Need To

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What do Mom's say about us


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What We DO

Tired of constantly trying & failing to improve your child’s handwriting?
Frustrated by the marks they lose to poor, illegible handwriting?
Clueless on how to really improve their handwriting?
Yes? Then you’ve reached the right place.

Cursive Writing

We offer 2 courses for Cursive Writing: For the little people (ages below 9) and Jr & Adults (ages 9 & above)

Print Writing

We offer 2 courses for Print Writing: For the little people (ages below 9) and Jr & Adults (ages 9 & above)

Speed Writing

We offer 2 courses for Speed Writing: Print & Cursive (Suggested for ages 9 & above)

How To Improve Handwriting With TrainerMom?

Our courses are designed to arm(empower) you and your child with the best scientifically-proven techniques.

Before/After Gallery

What do Mom's say about us


Let's explore what Parents have to say about us. Let us know what you think of today’s newsletter and what you’d like to.

About Us

We at “ The Trainer Mom” are committed to helping our students achieve not only their handwriting goals but also to master a lifelong asset: a cherry on top of their academic performance so to speak. And so, in this digital age of online classes & divided attention, we equip students with a personal trainer right at home: their Mom! We train mothers to become the best trainer their child could have and finally master the art of penmanship without compromising on speed!

Our Vision

To transform the way students all over the globe write, by ensuring that every child has a personal trainer, right at home.

Our Mission

To help our students across the globe not only to write with flourish and ease but also to discover a newfound love for the written hand.

Our Values



Good things take time & in our experience - they’re always worth waiting for


Every child, every trainer is our responsibility until we have achieved our promise

High Standards of Delivery

Our courses are pillared on scientific principles that prove the connection between the written hand & improved cognition

No Bluff, No Fluff

We believe in the power of honest intentions and in giving you all the information you need, as is.

Our Story

No matter how old you grow, it is never too late to unlearn a poor hand
Our quest to help equip every child with superior handwriting skills began way back when I was helping children sharpen their cognitive abilities, via Neural Space.
Many students, especially ones with learning disabilities, struggled to communicate legibly & coherently. In fact, my own son struggled with poor handwriting and was constantly scolded by his teachers . No matter how hard we tried to ‘fix’ his handwriting; no matter how much we made him practice - his handwriting became worse as he grew older!
That's when we introduced the ‘handwriting course’, designed in collaboration with trained professionals to help students like him around the country improve their handwriting, score those extra couple of marks, boost their learning skills & confidence.
The most amazing revelation that this journey has brought me, is that age is truly just a number! No matter how old you grow, it is never too late to unlearn a poor hand! I shattered my own preconceived notions when I tried the handwriting course myself and saw a MASSIVE improvement in my style. I defied my own expectations and I truly believe that if I can at 40-something, any child can!”
Avinash Bartakke, Co-Founder, Trainer Moms

Our Team


Why having good handwriting matters

Let’s say you fell sick & had to visit the doctor. The doctor prescribed you medication, but you look down at the prescription and all of a sudden you struggle to get the names right even though you double-checked their names with the doctor – we’ve all been there. “Is this an ‘m’ or an ‘n’? Is this a ‘p’ or a ‘q’?”, doubts flood your mind. Unless you’re a pharmacist, you’re probably fated to remain baffled for a while.
As adults, we need our writing to be legible, pleasant to look at for countless functions ranging from having to write your colleague a quick birthday note to fill out an important bank form. Without legibility and speed, several of your tasks become harder than they need to be – if not for you, stand assured, they do for your colleagues, friends & family. So good handwriting clearly goes a long way! 
While your handwriting can be repaired, irrespective of your age (yes, even when you’re 50), the sooner you start, the better. 
For children, good handwriting not only becomes an important life skill in the long run but also equals an added advantage in academics. We’ve all been the child who lost those 2 marks to poor handwriting – all because the teacher had to spend an extra 10-minutes figuring out what we were trying to say! 
“But in this digital day & age, why is writing even important?” 
The benefits of having good handwriting go far & beyond legibility. 
Some well-known advantages of writing, instead of typing are: 
Better memory & learning
a. A study titled “The pen is mightier than the keyboard” found that students who took handwritten notes over typed notes, were able to recall as well as reiterate the concepts taught to them in their own words, which demonstrates a deeper understanding of the concept. Whereas, students that chose to type their notes had a stunted understanding of the concept & thereby limited recall.

b. Treating Dyslexia & other learning disabilities 
Simply put, Dyslexia is the disconnect between the language & auditory centers of the brain. When writing, cursive in particular, the brain attempts to connect the two centers by integrating various other centers of the brain: hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills & other memory, and brain functions. This aids the treatment of Dyslexia.

c. Improved academic performance & confidence
With consistent practice, better handwriting (especially cursive) can give the child a sense of achievement, encourage better learning & memory, offer more dexterity: all leading to better confidence & academic performance! 
These are some of the most tangible & impactful advantages of choosing to write over type! 
“Okay, but if my child’s handwriting is legible enough, then why does he/she need to improve his/her handwriting?” 


“I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of imperfect education”
                                                                                                         -Mahatama Gandhi

a. Creates an impression
Great handwriting always creates a strong impression – no matter how true or false it may be! It goes beyond the importance of legibility and gives the reader an impression of who you are as a person. 
b. Extra Marks: The added advantage
It is a common practice among several schools, teachers, and examiners to reward additional marks to students with better handwriting. This stands true for school exams as well as several milestone examinations such as their Class 10 & 12 exams as well as competitive exams.

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Avinash Bartakke
Avinash has more than 30 years of experience spanning Sales, Marketing, Training & Development, and Center Management in sectors like Hotels, Office Automation, Insurance, Logistics & Education. Due to his particular interest & strength to train & nurture people, he has dedicated 17 years to Training & Content Development in various capacities. He is also a cognitive trainer, certified by Learning RX, USA - a global giant in Cognitive Skills Training & Enhancement. For the last 11 years, he, with the help of his team at Neural Space has empowered hundreds of students with learning difficulties, to overcome their challenges with enhanced cognitive abilities. He is also a spiritual & curious soul, with a love for the Vipassana retreat in Igatpuri. The workings of the pineal gland and DMT, in particular, have always sparked curiosity for him!
Founder & CEO
Avinash Bartakke
Avinash has more than 30 years of experience spanning across Sales, Marketing, Training & Development, and Center Management in sectors like Hotels, Office Automation, Insurance, Logistics & Education. Due to his particular interest & strength to train & nurture people, he has dedicated 17 years to Training & Content Development in various capacities. He is also a cognitive trainer, certified by Learning RX, USA - a global giant in Cogitive Skills Training & Enhancement. For the last 11 years, he, with the help of his team at Neural Space have empowered hundreds of students with learning difficulties, to overcome their challenges with enhanced cognitive abilities. He is also a spiritual & curious soul, with a love for the Vipassna retreat in Igatpuri. The workings of the penial gland and DMT, in particular, have always sparked curiosity for him!
Training & Content Development
Eileen Bartakke
The saying, “Curiosity is nature’s original school of education” stands at the core of not only her career but also the belief system that she has always inculcated in her own children & students. Eileen has a profound love for training & teaching, with over 18 years of experience as a certified ESL trainer - working with diverse demographics, in large & small groups. She specializes in designing, developing, and delivering successful training programs by leveraging various educational methodologies - not only for her young students of cognitive training but also in the corporate space, where she led various learning enhancement classes to improve communication & soft skills for workplace advancement. Eileen loves mystery movies, reading (fiction/non-fic), traveling & listening to music.
Certified ESL Trainer
Eileen Bartakke
The saying, “Curiosity is nature’s original school of education” stands at the core of not only her career but also the belief system that she has always inculcated in her own children & students. Eileen has a profound love for training & teaching, with over 18 years of experience as a certified ESL trainer - working with diverse demographics, in large & small groups. She specializes in designing, developing, and delivering successful training programs by leveraging various educational methodologies - not only for her young students of cognitive training, but also in the corporate space, where she led various learning enhancement classes to improve communication & soft-skills for workplace advancement. Eileen loves mystery movies, reading (fiction/non-fic), traveling & listening to x kind of music.
Certified ESL Trainer
Rhea Bartakke
Rhea is a trained Indian classical dancer, teacher, translator, cognitive skills trainer & certified Master trainer for handwriting! As a ‘Fauji Wife’ she has travelled extensively within India & taught in various schools & organizations around the country. Her love for travelling and the French language led her to travel all over Europe as well, and also tutor French students about our culture. She believes that handwriting is truly an amazing skill for anybody to have, especially children!
Certified Master Trainer
Rhea Bartakke
Rhea is a trained Indian classical dancer, teacher, translator, cognitive skills trainer & certified Master trainer for handwriting! As a ‘Fauji Wife’ she has traveled extensively within India & taught in various schools & organizations around the country. Her love for traveling and the French language led her to travel all over Europe as well, and also tutor French students about their culture. She believes that handwriting is truly an amazing skill for anybody to have, especially children!
Certified Master Trainer
Dipan Vaishnav
Dipan is a Behavior Coach specializing in Executive and Leadership coaching using NLP, El, and Neuroscience. Over the last three decades, he has worked with Fortune 500 companies across different sectors, acquired various qualifications, received accolades, and led several million-dollar projects. He brings to the table a meticulous approach, empathy, deep listening, and the ability to connect with a diverse audience. He works with organizations and individuals identifying the right behaviors that will empower them to achieve the growth they truly desire.
Executive Coach | NLP & El Practitioner
Dipan Vaishnav
Dipan is an experienced Executive coach, Organization Designer & HR Consultant with 29 years-worth experience across sectors: primarily, Life Insurance, Pharma & Automative. As a coach he has worked with more than 400 clients, including CXOs, on goals such as enhancing sales productivity, leadership skill enhancement, working in teams, etc. At TATA Motors, he was responsible in developing & implementing coaching positions for mid & senior-level leaders. His experience allows him to work with empathy & connect with a diverse set of people. He also works with meticulous care, and carries conceptual clarity & simplicity at the center of all his workings.
Executive coach, OD & HR Consultant
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